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essentials for newborn twins

My husband and I tend to have a very minimalist lifestyle, and that has extended into how we’ve purchased baby items for our twins! I really don’t like having extra stuff laying around in my house, and I can’t stand clutter. So we’ve worked hard to keep our purchases to a minimum and only buy what we really need! I wanted beautiful things that genuinely helped and that didn’t add…

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our favorite pacifiers and pacifier clips for twins!

I hadn’t initially planned on using pacifiers for my twins. But the standard practice at the NICU my babies were in was to offer soothers to babies to help them develop sucking reflexes. So after 18 days on pacifiers, my husband and I just decided to go with it and use pacifiers as needed. I honestly don’t know how we would have survived the newborn phase without them! Our twins…

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baby/ baby led weaning/ feeding

BLW 6-9 months breakfast ideas

Breakfast is one of my favorite meals to prepare for my twins, and it’s definitely one of their favorites to eat! When they were in the 6-9 month age range and we were just starting on baby led weaning, breakfast was the one meal that I really focused on providing every single day! We did skip lunch occasionally, and dinner quite frequently, during this time. But I think we got…

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baby/ feeding

transitioning twins from purees to BLW

Starting our babies on solids was something my husband looked forward to from day one, and something I dreaded. I was terrified of choking, not looking forward to the messiness, and sad about my babies no longer exclusively breastfeeding. It was a lot of emotions! As it turns out, feeding babies solids wasn’t nearly as hard as I’d thought it would be. It’s definitely a lot of mess, but it’s…

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baby/ feeding/ toddler

favorite products for baby led weaning!

Baby led weaning is such a fun journey! Does it make a huge mess? Yes. Are there moments when I’m concerned about choking? Yes. Would I recommend it? Absolutely yes! I love how my babies can choose for themselves what to eat. I offer a variety of foods that are healthy and safe for them, and they take what they want. We don’t force them to eat anything, but usually…

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baby/ feature/ twin pregnancy

our NICU journey

We had a NICU journey, my husband and babies and I. I never thought that would be a part of my life. I never thought I would have to leave my babies at a hospital while I went home. For years, I had dreamed of “coming home”. A coming home outfit for the baby, a coming home outfit for me, family all around celebrating the homecoming of the new little…

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baby/ toddler

foreign languages for babies

I studied French in middle school, high school and college, and it’s always been my dream to raise bilingual babies! Since I am not completely fluent, this process is a little difficult for me. I just do what I can and take it one day at a time! For me, raising bilingual babies looks like incorporating a lot of basic French conversation throughout the day. I find that bath time,…

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baby/ mama

keeping up a milk supply for breastfeeding twins+ lactation cookie recipe

Disclaimer: Always speak with your lactation consultant, midwife, or doctor before making nutritional changes to your diet. I am not a nutritionist, I am simply sharing what has worked for me during my journey of breastfeeding twins! Nursing is such a special experience. I love the sweet bonding, the snuggly skin on skin, the closeness I feel with my babies while they nurse. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. While…

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baby/ feeding

our journey of breastfeeding twins

When I found out I was expecting twins, there was so much to think about. What would my twin pregnancy be like? What would my twin birth story be like? Would I be able to deliver naturally, or would I have to have a c-section? How would I manage my time with twins? But the foremost of my concerns about life after twins was the thought of feeding twins. Would…

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