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montessori/ toddler

must haves for 1 year old twins

What do you need for 1 year old twin toddlers? This short answer is 2 of everything that you’d need for a single toddlers! Key point being that toddlers don’t seem to like to share. While I’d like them to learn to share eventually, for right now I’m focusing on protecting the peace by providing double! We live a pretty simple, minimalist life. That said, here are a few things…

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baby/ montessori/ toddler

toy rotations for babies

One of the things that scared me most about the prospect of parenting was the eternal mess. I am a very clean, tidy person. I like things to be organized. I like my home to be a place of minimal chaos. Enter twins. Enter chaos. Don’t get me wrong. I have come to love the mess, because the mess means family, it means life. I see the beauty in the…

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baby/ montessori/ toddler

favorite montessori toys for twins!

I love providing fun play environments for my twins! Open-ended Montessori-style toys can be expensive, but I’ve found them to be a great investment for our family. With twins, I’ve found that one of the most important elements of a toy is how shareable it is! My boys inevitably want to play with the same thing, so I typically either purchase a toy with parts, or two of the same…

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