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mama/ parenting

instagram vs. reality

it looks like a perfect moment, doesn’t it? but do not be fooled! this morning was so tough. we dealt with behavioral problems, resistance, tantrums, disobedience. it seems to me that it’s become kind of taboo to talk about disobedience. but i feel that lovingly cultivating an obedient heart is one of my most important roles as a mother. it’s something we work towards on a daily basis. based on…

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mama/ parenting/ pregnancy

be here now

the days are winding down, the days where we will be a family of four. i find myself caught between longing for this baby to make his arrival soon, and hoping he will wait as long as possible to join us. i so look forward to meeting him, holding him. i so look forward to watching my toddlers become big brothers. but… our family will change, forever. we will never…

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breastfeeding/ mama

nursing friendly spring and summer wardrobe

Biggest surprise of motherhood for me so far : How To Get Dressed. I know, it’s not what I expected either. But for a girl who used to wear short fitted dresses with tights pretty much 24/7, it hasn’t been easy to adjust to the real world of nursing friendly clothes that look alright when baby wearing and are decent to sit on the floor and play with my babies.…

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baby/ mama/ parenting/ toddler

favorite parenting books for twins

“The beautiful infant frame is but the setting of a jewel of such astonishing worth that, put the whole world in one scale and this jewel in the other, and the scale which holds the world flies up outbalanced” -Charlotte Mason I love Charlotte Mason‘s beautiful ideas about both childhood and motherhood. I always feel so refreshed and full of courage to love and care for my boys after reading…

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what happens when you find out you’re having twins

When I first found out we were expecting twins, I was so very scared. It’s hard for me to remember, hard to say. But I didn’t want two babies. It was a strange thing, seeing those two hearts beating. I wanted them to live and thrive. I loved them both, in that moment, wanted them both. But… I didn’t want them both at once. I was scared of the pregnancy,…

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real talk: how infertility feels

“Joy it is severe, when the way is rough and steep, but love will make your days complete…” – @joshgarrels I love these lyrics. A severe joy, the result of a long, steep journey. A joy that fills you so abundantly, your heart aches with it and your soul trembles with it. Severe in its beauty. That is how the last almost-twelve months with our twins have been, after our…

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thoughts on my twins first birthday

One year ago today, my husband and I were rushing to the hospital. My contractions had been coming closer and closer together for the past twelve hours, but they were almost painless. I hadn’t paid close attention to them, until I suddenly became extremely cold and started shivering all over. We rushed to the hospital, thinking it was a false alarm but wanting to make sure everything was okay. Within…

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breastfeeding/ mama

lemon lactation cookie bites for breastfeeding twins

Lactation cookie bites have been so helpful for me in keeping up my milk supply for twins! They’re full of nutrient dense ingredients like oats, dates, and nut butter. If that’s not enough, they’re also altogether delicious! Oats are commonly related to increased milk supply, and I definitely noticed that they helped me a lot. Along with that, maintaining a high calorie intake while lactating is so important. So while…

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breastfeeding/ feeding/ mama

no-bake chocolate lactation bites for increased milk supply

Lactation cookie bites have been so helpful for me in keeping up my milk supply for twins! They’re full of nutrient dense ingredients like oats, dates, and nut butter, and altogether delicious. Several studies have related oats to increased milk supply, and I definitely noticed that they helped me. Along with that, maintaining a high calorie intake while lactating is so important. So while I’m honestly not sure how much supposedly…

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baby/ mama

keeping up a milk supply for breastfeeding twins+ lactation cookie recipe

Disclaimer: Always speak with your lactation consultant, midwife, or doctor before making nutritional changes to your diet. I am not a nutritionist, I am simply sharing what has worked for me during my journey of breastfeeding twins! Nursing is such a special experience. I love the sweet bonding, the snuggly skin on skin, the closeness I feel with my babies while they nurse. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. While…

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