What do you need for 1 year old twin toddlers? This short answer is 2 of everything that you’d need for a single toddlers! Key point being that toddlers don’t seem to like to share. While I’d like them to learn to share eventually, for right now I’m focusing on protecting the peace by providing double! We live a pretty simple, minimalist life. That said, here are a few things…
One of the things that scared me most about the prospect of parenting was the eternal mess. I am a very clean, tidy person. I like things to be organized. I like my home to be a place of minimal chaos. Enter twins. Enter chaos. Don’t get me wrong. I have come to love the mess, because the mess means family, it means life. I see the beauty in the…
At one year old, Finn and Eli are still using pacifiers consistently for sleep. At some point soon, we’ll start to phase them out, but for the moment pacifiers are definitely a travel essential! These are my favorite pieces for keeping our pacifiers clean and handy while traveling! BIBS Pacifiers We’ve tried a handful of different pacifier and BIBS have been the definite favorite! They are high quality, eco-friendly, and…
My boys love playing in the water! It is one of our favorite activities in spring and summer. Since it is so important to keep them safe from the sun, here are some of my favorite pieces for UV protection for babies on sunny days. Sunscreen I love Badger Active sunscreen for my babies. It has a natural, mineral based ingredient list (Non-Nano Uncoated Zinc Oxide (18.75%) and Organic Sunflower…
I love providing fun play environments for my twins! Open-ended Montessori-style toys can be expensive, but I’ve found them to be a great investment for our family. With twins, I’ve found that one of the most important elements of a toy is how shareable it is! My boys inevitably want to play with the same thing, so I typically either purchase a toy with parts, or two of the same…
We had so much fun playing at the park today! Finn and Eli are starting to be so interactive. They have loved swinging for a while, but today they also climbed on the structure, went down the slide (with help. Eli was in ecstasy over the slide) and Finn got to play in the lake (he was in seventh heaven, a total water baby). I’ve never seen them so happy…
“The beautiful infant frame is but the setting of a jewel of such astonishing worth that, put the whole world in one scale and this jewel in the other, and the scale which holds the world flies up outbalanced” -Charlotte Mason I love Charlotte Mason‘s beautiful ideas about both childhood and motherhood. I always feel so refreshed and full of courage to love and care for my boys after reading…
Your baby turning one year old is such a special occasion! Okay, maybe it’s a little more special for the parents than the babies? For my twins, it was just another day. For me, it was the anniversary of their very special birth and brought me so many memories of their first few days of life. While we weren’t able to celebrate with friends, we did have a special day…
My babies love eating these chickpea falafels for lunch or dinner! They are full of delicious and healthy ingredients like chickpeas, onion, fresh herbs, and garlic. I like to serve them alongside a scoop of plain greek yogurt, sliced cherry tomatoes, and cucumber spears. A baby-sized greek feast! Finn and Eli always have so much fun eating this meal. I often mix up a large batch of falafel batter and…
Baby led weaning is such a fun journey! Does it make a huge mess? Yes. Are there moments when I’m concerned about choking? Yes. Would I recommend it? Absolutely yes! I love how my babies can choose for themselves what to eat. I offer a variety of foods that are healthy and safe for them, and they take what they want. We don’t force them to eat anything, but usually…