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breastfeeding/ mama

nursing friendly spring and summer wardrobe

Biggest surprise of motherhood for me so far : How To Get Dressed. I know, it’s not what I expected either. But for a girl who used to wear short fitted dresses with tights pretty much 24/7, it hasn’t been easy to adjust to the real world of nursing friendly clothes that look alright when baby wearing and are decent to sit on the floor and play with my babies.…

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baby/ montessori/ toddler

favorite montessori toys for twins!

I love providing fun play environments for my twins! Open-ended Montessori-style toys can be expensive, but I’ve found them to be a great investment for our family. With twins, I’ve found that one of the most important elements of a toy is how shareable it is! My boys inevitably want to play with the same thing, so I typically either purchase a toy with parts, or two of the same…

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baby/ toddler

We had so much fun playing at the park today! Finn and Eli are starting to be so interactive. They have loved swinging for a while, but today they also climbed on the structure, went down the slide (with help. Eli was in ecstasy over the slide) and Finn got to play in the lake (he was in seventh heaven, a total water baby). I’ve never seen them so happy…

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baby/ mama/ parenting/ toddler

favorite parenting books for twins

“The beautiful infant frame is but the setting of a jewel of such astonishing worth that, put the whole world in one scale and this jewel in the other, and the scale which holds the world flies up outbalanced” -Charlotte Mason I love Charlotte Mason‘s beautiful ideas about both childhood and motherhood. I always feel so refreshed and full of courage to love and care for my boys after reading…

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what happens when you find out you’re having twins

When I first found out we were expecting twins, I was so very scared. It’s hard for me to remember, hard to say. But I didn’t want two babies. It was a strange thing, seeing those two hearts beating. I wanted them to live and thrive. I loved them both, in that moment, wanted them both. But… I didn’t want them both at once. I was scared of the pregnancy,…

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real talk: how infertility feels

“Joy it is severe, when the way is rough and steep, but love will make your days complete…” – @joshgarrels I love these lyrics. A severe joy, the result of a long, steep journey. A joy that fills you so abundantly, your heart aches with it and your soul trembles with it. Severe in its beauty. That is how the last almost-twelve months with our twins have been, after our…

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baby/ toddler

what we got our twins for their first birthday!

Your baby turning one year old is such a special occasion! Okay, maybe it’s a little more special for the parents than the babies? For my twins, it was just another day. For me, it was the anniversary of their very special birth and brought me so many memories of their first few days of life. While we weren’t able to celebrate with friends, we did have a special day…

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thoughts on my twins first birthday

One year ago today, my husband and I were rushing to the hospital. My contractions had been coming closer and closer together for the past twelve hours, but they were almost painless. I hadn’t paid close attention to them, until I suddenly became extremely cold and started shivering all over. We rushed to the hospital, thinking it was a false alarm but wanting to make sure everything was okay. Within…

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baby led weaning

my favorite plates for baby led weaning

When we first started out with baby led weaning, I would just place Finn and Eli’s meals directly on their high chair trays. I quickly figured out that this resulted in an enormous mess, and we switched over to using silicone suction plates! For the most part, this has helped keep the high chair trays relatively clean. The suction on these plates isn’t perfect, and Finn and Eli have figured…

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lunch ideas for baby led weaning twins

Lunch another fun meal in our family and it’s definitely one of my twins’ favorites to eat! We often skipped lunch when we first started solids and my babies were between 5-7 months old. Around the time they turned 8 months old, I started making a point of providing them with some good lunch options every day! My twins are ten months old currently and still getting the majority of…

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